For 19 years, COMARKA has provided high quality insights that drive growth. The Anglo and the Latino cultures are different and we can see that difference when we moderate focus groups. General market groups give nice, organized and concise responses versus Latino groups that give cheerful, animated, and elaborate responses. The following points explain why our cultural expertise is a key success factor when we manage a qualitative research project with Latinos:
1) Moderation is all about cultural interpretation. The Latino culture is a social oriented. They thrive with acceptance. When participants are with a skilled Latino moderator they have a deeper connection because they feel that they can be themselves and be understood. Even for me, when I moderate I need to read between lines and find ways to encourage them to talk about controversial topics. In a recent study, I asked “what are the reasons that you do not use this service?” I got some responses. Then I asked again, “in your neighborhood, what are some reasons that your Latino neighbors do not use this service?” I got different truthful responses. Later, I debriefed the clients about which responses were the most relevant. This was necessary.
2) Successful analysis comes from cultural expertise. Two advantages that I provide convinced clients to hire me to do the analysis.
The first advantage is that clients will know what participants really said. When the transcriptionist types the English translation (from the Spanish groups), they do not know who said what. Many times what 4 people said is reported as the opinion of one person which makes the paragraph confusing! The meaning is lost in translation, literally. In COMARKA reports the meaning is revealed.
The second advantage is cultural expertise. Connecting your brand or product with a cultural emotional driver could be the biggest source of its success. To do this, you have to understand the target’s cultural beliefs, their attitudes and their rituals regarding the category. That’s why you need an expert who can connect with Latinos at an emotional level to unveil their truths. This cultural researcher usually has been raised in the Latino culture for the first 10 formative years. As Mexican and a trained researcher, I understand deeply the Spanish language nuances of a diverse group of Mexicans (of different levels of education and lifestyles). I lived in Mexico during my first 30 years and created successful marketing campaigns as a brand manager and chief marketing officer.
In my conversations with US Hispanic consumers, I uncover their key life challenges and identify the most critical one for a brand or product to address in order to form an emotional connection. I then provide actionable insights that authentically resonate with US Latinos and influence their behaviors. For example, in one of my CPG studies, the brand grew by 17% one year after implementing the project insights and successfully acquired the US Hispanic market.
Marketing is cultural. When you are working on a campaign or a product, it is important to acknowledge that to persuade a group of people you need to understand them and truly connect with them. You need an expert in that culture that speaks the same language and understands the groups’ beliefs that influence their purchasing behavior. I hope that in your next study, you consider COMARKA to team up with your company to connect with Latinos and generate growth.